Funding Our Eternities

Hajra Mirza
5 min readJan 15, 2021

What a beautiful start to the year! The rise of 2021 became the talk of the town — not just for the town, but also during our precious weekend sessions hosted by the Amal Academy. We had recently been assigned a project that required us to collect funds for the Edhi Foundation, established in Pakistan. Within two weeks — just within two weeks — the magic had to take place! Yes, from the very first day of the brand new year, we all began to plan, devise strategies, and think of creative ideas to reach out to the people around us and ask for their valuable contributions. The results have been overwhelming. From a penny, to a few bucks, to a couple of hundreds and all the way to a pocket full of thousands, people have generously participated in this cause. Undoubtedly, this is the most beautiful way to celebrate the rise of 2021 — a way that teaches us to share happiness and the way that ultimately leads to funding our eternities. 👼

The road to humanity — the one and only destination in Edhi Sb’s life

We devised different strategies as a group but the execution was managed individually. This is because some of the circle members were out of city, some had busy work schedules while the others had their own limitations. Whatever the reason, we did not give up. Each circle member found an alternative, in fact, explored the opportunity in every limitation and carried on with the mission. Soon, we involved ourselves in social media campaigning, approached our family members and relatives, and also spoke to strangers, telling them about this project. There was refusal, ignorance and a bunch of unfulfilled promises. It was hurtful, but it did not stop us. We continued our journey. We knew that failure was in giving up so we decided to shift our focus towards a new audience, and talk to them. There was a ray of hope. This ray emerged, and with time, multiple rays of hope and victory knocked at our door. There was a flood of messages coming in informing us about the donations people were making for this cause. A business that we had approached, contacted us and supported us whole-heartedly. Screenshots of text messages from people and banks confirming the incoming amount have been shared below.

Screenshot of Incoming Amount Receipts
Be it a penny or a thousand bucks, your support and contribution has no substitute!

All members of the group have participated actively and shared screenshots of successful transactions. The process of campaigning has not stopped and donations are still underway. The total amount collected so far is approximately thirty thousand rupees, Alhamdulillah! ❤️

In our most recent Zoom Learning Group meeting, we discussed about our experiences and the hardships we faced. According to Hira,

“This was an out-of-the box experience! Something, I had never witnessed before.”

Likewise, Waqas further commented that he is an active user of social media but utilizing the platform for such a noble cause was something he had never thought of.

Kazim, who has also been busy with his end-of-semester exams, enthusiastically engaged with the donors and tried his best to welcome as many donations as possible. During the conversation, Kazim said.

“This project has been a Blessing in disguise! I feel satisfied knowing that I am contributing towards Edhi Sb’s mission, in the hardest of times, during the darkest of days.”

The most difficult part of this project was to convince people, gain their attention and remind them about the promises they had made. There were so many people out there who committed to contributing, but remained silent afterwards. We approached them politely, sent them reminders but they failed to respond. On the other hand, there was a majority who was eager to participate in this activity. They inquired about the initiative and helped in spreading the word. All those who promised and fulfilled their promises are the real superstars, regardless of the amount they donated. As mentioned earlier, the donations range from a penny, to a few bucks, to a couple of hundreds and all the way to a pocket full of thousands, but what truly matters is, stepping forward to share happiness that ultimately leads to funding our very own eternities 😊

We, as a group, would really like to thank Amal Academy and our dearest facilitators who assigned a project that has actually been a Blessing in disguise! Furthermore, the motivation we have been giving each other has proved to be the game-changer! During the lowest of times, we tried our best to share a very high level of energy within the group so that no one felt hurt, ignored, weak or rejected. The word ‘failure’ was never ever a part of our discussions because the team spirit was alive and failure is for those who give up. Also, when the four Principles of Progress — ‘Khudi, Amal, Kaam Kaam Kaam and Eik aur Eik Gyaara’ are employed within a team, the concept of failure no longer exists.

Last, but not the least, our team would also like to thank all those individuals who deliberately ignored our efforts, refused to contribute and did not believe in our mission. We understand that everybody’s circumstances are different and this may have not been the right time for you to participate with us. However, the lesson that you all have taught us is totally unforgettable. It is because of you all, we can sense a difference in ourselves. We feel stronger, bolder and braver. Our fear of failure has come to an end, making us realize that the act of accepting failure requires power and it is the very first step on the road to success! 🏆

Wishing you all the very best!

